Thursday 15 January 2015

OUGD601 - End of module evaluation


OUGD601 - Synthesis and reasoning


The design brief that has been completed is inherently linked with the written element of this module. Using my research and findings I have created a hand tailored brief to show synthesis. The brief was to create a concept independent magazine, also creating the relevant online content in order to promote it.

The outcomes are a mixture of print and digital to show how we can utilise modern technologies within the independent publishing industry. 

I talked with Becky Palfrey (colours may vary) and Alec Dudson (intern magazine) in order to gain feedback on my brief as well as give me some tips. Both made it aware that an independent magazine should be a fine balance between the theme and the design of the magazine, which I have focussed on. Alec Dudson and Ben Freeman (Ditto Press) also stated that magazines that involve a human aspect, or voyeurism often sell best. Because of this i decided to focus on the theme of asking ordinary people their stories and take their picture. 

The name 'Unspoken' was chosen as it reflects that the stories told in the magazine may go unspoken and unheard if the magazine doesn't publish them, this gives the magazine an exclusivity and individuality, boosting its aura. 

Alec Dudson talked of the importance of the internet in the distribution and funding of his magazine. He told me that the Kickstarter video was what really launched the magazine as it was the first real taste of the magazine that the audience got. Because of this i decided to pay particular attention to the video in order to sell the concept and theme of the magazine to the audience.

The aura of the magazine is something I have paid close attention to. I decided that although the focus of the practical would be the campaign video and concept of the magazine that creating something physical would help accentuate the need for printed magazines in the modern world. The prototype magazine allows the audience to get a feel and touch to the tactile pages making the concept seem more real and feasible. I also show snippets of the magazine being handled in the video which helps the audience relate to the size, style and form of the magazine.

Over all I have focussed on creating the concept for a new independent magazine, exploring new technologies such as videography and the internet in order to strengthen the concept. The project went well and shows good synergy between the essay and the practical.

OUGD601 - Presentation boards


Wednesday 14 January 2015

OUGD601 - Kick starter campaign video


Unspoken magazine from Samson Cook on Vimeo.

Over all i think the video has been a success. I think it clearly shows the concept behind the magazine. The theme and shooting of the video has an authentic and realistic vibe which i am pleased with. This was my first time videoing on the street which was daunting, it was also my first time using video editing software, but i think the video sells the concept of the magazine well.

Saturday 10 January 2015

OUGD601 - Design development - Video Editing


For the title sequence of the video i used an overlaying text on top of the footage that I filmed. I sped the footage up to strengthen the connotations of a fast paced city. I also made the footage black and white to make the video cohesive with the aesthetic of the magazine.

I used a variety of text and image to sell the message. The above show the text sequences. I used the same typography as the logo as it is bold, stands out and is readable.

I used a cross fade transition to make the video run smoothly and effortlessly. I think this works well and also adds more depth to the text based sections of the video.

I provided the audience with a snippet of the physical magazine and hands interacting with it. I think that this makes the video far more feasible and believable as a real product and will appeal more to the audience.

The final scene is an overlay of the magazine and the various links to online platforms. This shows how the independent magazine is utilising the internet in order to spread it's message. Alec Dudson said that social media was a key element to making the magazine more popular and in the public eye.

This is the final sequence. I used the instrumental song as it is modern and current. I also used this song as it has a good build up and gradual fades out too. I think i managed to combine the footage and music well.